The Vernon DH 8 race, in the driest area of BC started with a very rainy and gray day of practice. The sunday was as sunny as a summerday could be and I got the chance to work on my cast tan again!
Since the event was an IGSA race, things rolled a litle bit slower. Scott Peer and Justen Ortiz battled for an inline title, there was a decent crowd of classic luger and street luger and the ladies had a good crew on the startline too.
I was hoping for Kevin, James, Dillon and Patrick in the finals. Things didn’t work out well for James, he dislocated his shoulder and couldn’t finish the race. One of the local groms made it to the open finals together with Kevin, Zen and Pat.
After the race, we took off to Summerland to ride the Giant! …the closest thing to Swiss freeriding. I cried a little bit, not being able to skate. Being broken isn’t fun.
… but I keep myself busy doing the things that I like but usually don’t find the time to do.
The Ladies podium: Marisa 1st, Elena 2nd, Anna 3rd